Welcome to @Cloud Webinar Series
August 24, 2024_Is AI Your Competitor or Helper
July 27, 2024_Bringing God's Glory to the Marketplace
Elder Michael Zheng, a dedicated servant of God and a visionary leader, shares his profound insights on: *How to live out God’s glory in the workplace. *Utilizing God-given gifts and talents to influence our workplace, community, and culture. *Fulfilling God’s assignments and experiencing life transformation. With over two decades of experience in accounting, tax consulting, financial planning, and small business coaching, Michael has seamlessly integrated his professional expertise with his spiritual calling. As the Founding Elder of Burnaby Canaan Church and the Founder of Marketplace Ekklesia Ministries, he has been a guiding light for many, helping them to find new identities in Christ of sonship, stewardship, and ambassadorship, achieve breakthroughs and life transformation.
June 8, 2024_Embarking My @Cloud Mentorship Journey
Coach Shengming Shan interview past mentees, Jas Chang, Star Gao, and Weilong Hu on how they learned about the @Cloud EMBA mentorship, how the mentorship impacted their family, work, and ministries.
The 2024 term new mentees meet and greet and Q&A in each mentor circle breakout rooms (Breakout rooms not included in the recording).
May 11, 2024 EMBA Open House Hybrid Event
Cloud video announcement, welcome by Jonathan Young
Opening Prayer by Coach Gerry Liu & Worship by Stephanie Teng, Kuowei Chang, Jonathan Young
EMBA Program overview by Coach Sam Ma (15:11 to 25:05)
A Circle introduction by Coach Gerry Liu (25:05 to 31:40)
B Circle introduction by Coach Howard Chen (31:40 to 38:03)
E Circle introduction by Coach Peter Psi (38:03 to 49:15)
M Circle introduction by Pastor Herbert Wu (1:52:49 to 2:00:00)
Passing the Baton by Coach Elaine Kung and Cathy Wang (50:26 to 1:27:08)
Never Alone by Coach Shengming Shan and Weixu Meng (1:27:54 to 1:51:44)
2024 @Cloud EMBA Program Registration and Q&A (2:00:00 to 2:12:02)
April 20, 2024_職場"心"習慣: AI 時代, 如何更認識自己和帶領自己 New "Hearty" Habits in the AI Era:How to Know and Lead Yourself better
陳德堅老師(Jacky Chen),Oracle電腦公司雲端總設計(Oracle Master Cloud Architect),分享他如何在這個充滿挑戰的時代中,不斷地認識自己,勇於拓展新的領域及因應職場的變化,找到自己的發展方向,透過不斷學習和累積經驗中,成為團隊中的AI 專家,為企業帶來了新成長.
陳德堅老師具有30多年 IT 行業經驗,是Executive Leadership Master 領導力碩士,斯坦福大學 Dr. BJ Fogg教授認證的Tiny Habit 生命教練。Jacky 曾在各種領導力發展會議上發表演講。Jacky 創辦LeadingAI, 培訓青少年的領導力及AI人工智能的應用技能。他也是國際真愛家庭協會的特約講師,帶領團隊贏得2019年世界青少年AI人工智能大賽兩項冠軍,2021年八月的Amazon全球AI比賽冠軍。培訓的學生也獲得2021,2022及2023年Amazon AI DeepRacer全球總決賽資格。
March 9, 2024_我的職涯與我的信仰 My Career Journey and My Faith-B Circle Mentors' Panel Discussion
SWR Technology 執行長及CCE 創建人單聖明教練主持圓桌討論,Cooper & Chyan Technology 同創人錢大柱導師, Parah Capital 管理合伙人兼首席投资官與優視財經電視製作人陳少豪導師, Pericom Semi Corp 同創人首席技术官, 研發高级副总裁許志雄四位資深導師精彩生命見證分享: 我的職涯與我的信仰。
Moderated by Coach Shengming Shan, CEO of SWR Technology and cofounder of CCE, coach David Chyan, co-founder of Cooper & Chyan Technology, coach Howard Chen, Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer of Parah Capital & TV producer, and coach John Hui, co-founder, CTO, and R&D SVP of Pericom Semi Corp will share their amazing career and faith journeys.
Feb 17, 2024_AI Technologies and Applications: My Testimony
@Cloud Marketplace Ministry honored guest speaker, Dr. Albert Liu, founder and CEO of Kneron, https://www.kneron.com
Established in 2015, Kneron is a leading provider of full stack edge AI solutions based in San Diego, which develops integrated edge AI hardware and software solutions for vehicle, security, and broader AIoT use cases. Join Dr. Liu , @ Cloud Entrepreneurship mentors, Owen Wu, Peter Hsi, and Shengming Shan on the conversation navigating technologies empowerment, risks, and responsibilities in the AI era.
Jan 20, 2024_King's journey from Cavalier, Warrior, to Chiefs.
雲端職場事工創建人, 加利福尼亚大學伯克利哈斯商學院高級導師 吳炳偉牧師博士主講的講座。吳牧師將分享「騎士、 勇士、將士」的君王養成之旅。
歡迎勇敢者來到《 君王之旅》這是一場跨越幾代人的驚心動魄的冒險,
請加入 君王之旅,生命交織在一起,互相成長,互相激勵,
Cloud Marketplace Ministry founder and UC Berkeley HAAS Business School Senior Mentor, Dr. Rev. Herbert Wu, present King’s journey from Cavalier, Warrior, to Chiefs.
Welcome, brave souls, to The King’s Journey – a thrilling adventure that spans across generations, where every step echoes with the footsteps of courage and determination.
Please join the King’s Journey, where lives intertwine, building each other up, and inspiring one another to fulfill God’s divine will. Are you ready for this epic adventure? The call of destiny awaits.
The Secret of Successful Mentorship- Fireside chats (Hybrid)
9/1 (Thu), 6pm at @Cloud location, Hybrid:
Host (Michael Liang), MC (Kuowei Chang), Mentors (John Hui, Gerry Liu, Peter Hsi), Mentee (Stephanie Teng, Aaron Qian, Justin Chen)
Dreaming to find a mentor who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, but also helps bring it out of you? Developing a successful mentorship is a crucial enabler for an outstanding career and a fulfilled life. Listen to the live sharing from @Cloud mentors and their mentees and learn what it takes to establish a successful mentoring relationship.
Effective Communication with Your Boss Building Positive Relationship
Speaker: Elaine Kung
- S.H.I.N.E. values
- Help your boss shine
- Influence up
- Nurture ABCDE skills
- Effective 1on1 on projects, problems, politics, “promotion”
迎接 2020 – 成長中的科技時代
Speaker: Samuel Wang (王端)
Become a Public Speaking Expert
Speaker: Justin Strong
The volume, velocity and variety of data available to us is increasing everyday. With the scale of data available it is more important than ever to provide meaning to our data and present it with clarity.
Through Marketplace to The Promised Land
Speaker: Caleb Lee
Brother Lee shares his journey of meeting with the Lord, discovering his missions of life, and receiving the revelations pointing to the promised land of Cambodia.
Our Journey & “HIS story”
Speaker: Kuo-wei Chiang, Vicky Wu, Sam Ma
This is part 1 of a series on how God has called and led a group of individuals to minister at their workplace.
Stability to Significance
Speaker: Mike Brock
Mike is an influential leader known for his strong commitment to inspiring life and community transformation in the areas of social justice and faith.
The Secret of Walking with God at Work
We all desire to walk with God at work but we all struggle to connect our faith and work. “How can I have God’s blessings in my work life?” “How can I integrate my faith with my career?”
A special debate event
Speaker: Paul Tien (moderator), Dr. Chester Wang and Allison Rong
My Journey as a Christian, How is Related to My Life and Career?
Speaker: Dr. Steve Hwang
Lesson from a career as an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley
Speaker: Dr. John Chi-Hung Hui