@Cloud will provide a Zoom-based mentoring program through a
@Cloud Mentor Line
General Mentor – a mentor who volunteers to serve all four E-M-B-A @Cloud Mentor Circles for general consultation. A General Mentor pool will be formed which consists of a group of General Mentors. One of the General Mentor will be the representative mentor to communicate with @Cloud Admin to arrange the mentoring appointment.
Specialist Mentor – a specific mentor who will be referred by General Mentor for his or her specialty skills.
Qualified mentee – All registered Mentees are entitled to have up to 3 mentoring meetings.
Step 1. A mentee should submit a mentoring request through the @Cloud website. the request will include
a.Mentees name and contact info (email and phone #)
b.General description of the mentoring request (up to 200 characters)
c.Available date/time (up to 5 different options) for mentoring
d.Acknowledgment of the mentoring guideline (Standards of Professionalism)
Step 2. After submitting the mentoring request, an email containing the details of the mentoring request will be sent from @Cloud Admin (academic_affairs@at-cloud.org) to all General Mentors General Mentor who is willing to serve this mentoring request should reply to @Cloud admin with a preferred time slot to establish the appointment date and time.
Step 3: @Cloud admin will generate a Zoom meeting and send out the meeting information to the mentee (bcc to mentor) to complete the pairing process.
Step 4: If there is no appointment established (i.e, no response from the General Mentors) for more than a week, the representative mentor will meet with the @Cloud admin to decide how to disposition this mentoring request.
Step 5: If deemed necessary, the General mentor will refer a Specialist Mentor for the subsequent meetings. Otherwise, the General mentor will continue to do the mentoring.
Up to 3 meetings in 6 months during the semester. Meeting time is to be arranged by mentor and mentee.
Zoom Distance Mentoring while the mentor and mentee are in different locations.
Submit Request now
Before apply for @Cloud Mentor Line, please make sure you have read EMBA@Cloud Mentoring Circle, Standards Of Professionalism (SOP)